What’s a web product? The term encompasses a lot of things. It could be a simple marketing website, or an online store, or perhaps a web application with user accounts. It could be completely custom or it can be built on an existing platform like Shopify or Ghost.

What type of organization do you typically work with? My recent client base is mostly small to medium non-profits and online-focused small businesses. I like to work with affable folks who need guidance and product leadership at least as much as they need the code.

What do your agreements typically look like? I typically do retainer based at-will contracts. Everything I build for you is yours. I sell my expertise, not some proprietary tool or product. You should feel like I’m a part of your team but at the price of a part-time employee. I’m also open to equity based arrangements.

What’s the process like? That depends on what the product is, but it’s safe to assume we’ll meet regularly, communicate often, and stay organized via a project management tool. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the process.

I don’t know the difference between an SDK and an API. That’s ok. We’ll go over everything you need to know without boring you with technical jargon. The most important thing is you know enough to make an informed decision about whatever product we’re making together.

Will you respond to my emails? Yes.

Where are you based? Most of the time I’m in Mexico. But I’m a US citizen originally from the Pacific Northwest.

¿Hablas español? Claro que sí.